Nourishing the Mother: Raw Honey and Herbs

This journal entry — The Birth of the Idea to make Local Wild Electuaries: Late Winter 2023, almost full term with twins

The Local Wild Officially launched one year later: April 2024

My fourth pregnancy held two babies; it clung to my bones that winter, the cold stiffening and seeping into my depths. Hot honied teas, and soaking in anything with herbs, minerals, and warmth provided respite for my feet, belly, back — soul. That season was a long one, as it usually is for one who waits with anticipation, but especially that winter.I laid out dried herbs from the past season on my old farmhouse work table. The window in that room serves as a gatekeeper for either a chill or an abundance of Vitamin D, depending on the weather. The winter sun was bright and stark—casting light from the blanket of snow, almost blinding for blue eyes. I let the sun warm me and milled away, all the while pretending my last name was Fraser. I learned about limitations that season; I needed remedies that were both old and true, as well as easy and fast. The recipes I read, learned, and created were crafted from lore, fiction, personal needs, and kindreds in the community. That’s the beauty of the garden; I gather, reap, and sow; mixing it with ideas from my past, present, future, knowledge from wiser ones and in turn, we all glean and share together. It’s story of the seasons, humanity; that crosses countries and time. I smile with solace, knowing that many have gone before with mortar and pestle, milling away on their work tables in winter seasons as well.

The chill as a companion; I walk to the hives to listen and whisper of warmer days, as well as clean off their entrance from the snow the night before. I tip the hive gently in January to gauge their honey stores, even though the apiary has been fortified from the winds that blow from the north. The bees are doing their best to stave off the throes of winter, just as I am, and I hope to be well-met on early warm days. There’s honey left in the cupboard from the early taking as well as the late this past season; a preventative in our home for whatever the colder months bring. Paired with herbs, kindreds, good food; I’ll savor the last sliver of rest I can eke from the darker months as this season strengthens me with wisdom; I’m gathering winters in my heart. As spring hastens, she holds the realities of the clutches of winter and pangs of new life hanging in the balance, ready to go forth. There’s a dream and prayer in my heart of sharing these Medicinal Honeys, but for now the goings of winter and ushering in springtide my home, home birthing these twins — this will be my goal until the time is ready.

BEFORE BIRTH:  Mood Balance, Sleep, and Relaxation

The combination of calming and nourishing herbs offers gentle support for the everyday challenges of motherhood.

  • Key Benefits:

    • Supports Mood and Sleep Quality

    • Promotes Relaxation

    • Assists in Alleviating Morning Sickness Symptoms

    • Aids Uterine Health

  • Ingredients:
    Raw Honey, Organic Linden, Lemon Balm, Chamomile, Raspberry Leaf, Lavender, & Ginger.

  • Herb Breakdown:

    • Linden (Tilia spp.): Known for its calming properties, linden flowers can help soothe nervous tension and mild anxiety. It is also traditionally used to support restful sleep and promote gentle relaxation.

    • Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis): Often called “the calming herb,” lemon balm helps lift mood, reduce stress, and promote emotional balance. It is also known to ease digestive discomfort, which can be helpful during early pregnancy.

    • Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla): A classic herb for relaxation, chamomile is ideal for calming the mind, easing stress, and promoting better sleep. It’s also soothing for digestion and can help alleviate mild nausea.

    • Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus): Sometimes referred to as “the woman’s herb,” raspberry leaf is rich in vitamins and minerals that support reproductive health. It is traditionally used to tone the uterus and support the body during pregnancy and postpartum.

    • Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia): Known for its gentle, calming scent and taste, lavender helps promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and encourage restful sleep. Its aromatic properties are also uplifting, providing a sense of tranquility.

    • Ginger (Zingiber officinale): A warming herb that supports healthy digestion and helps alleviate nausea, ginger is often used to ease morning sickness and boost circulation. It’s also known to have mild anti-inflammatory properties.

  • How to Use:
    Stir before use. Take one teaspoon raw or mix into a cup of warm tea or milk. Enjoy daily, whether in a quiet moment of reflection or as part of your evening wind-down routine.

CYCLE SUPPORT: Hormonal balance, stress resilience, nourishing

This blend is crafted to support the unique needs of women throughout their menstrual cycle. With Cocoa, this tasty blend is reminiscent of a hot chocolate. Each ingredient is chosen to help balance hormones, promote stress resilience, and nourish the body—whether you’re easing through monthly changes, seeking stability in hormonal shifts, or supporting postpartum recovery. With adaptogenic herbs like Ashwagandha and nutrient-rich Nettle, this electuary helps you feel more grounded and nourished, no matter which phase of the cycle you’re in.

  • Key Benefits:

    • Supports Hormonal Balance During the Menstrual Cycle

    • Promotes Stress Resilience and Emotional Stability

    • Aids Digestion and Nutrient Absorption

    • Builds Blood and Energy During Menstruation or Postpartum

  • Ingredients:
    Raw Honey, Organic Cacao, Ashwagandha, Dandelion Root, Ginger, Nettle, & Red Raspberry Leaf.

  • Herb Breakdown:

    • Cacao (Theobroma cacao): Known for its mood-enhancing properties, cacao is rich in magnesium and antioxidants. It helps uplift the spirit, reduce stress, and support overall hormonal balance, making it a perfect addition for both emotional and physical well-being throughout the cycle. AND it’s just what you’re craving.

    • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): An adaptogenic herb that helps the body adapt to hormonal fluctuations and reduce cortisol levels, ashwagandha is ideal for supporting resilience during times of stress or PMS. It also helps stabilize mood and energy, making it a grounding choice for women navigating hormonal changes.

    • Dandelion Root (Taraxacum officinale): A gentle liver tonic, dandelion root supports the body’s natural detoxification process, which is essential for balancing hormones. It also aids digestion and supports nutrient absorption, making it a helpful herb for keeping the body in harmony throughout the cycle.

    • Ginger (Zingiber officinale): This warming herb not only supports healthy digestion but also has anti-inflammatory properties, making it effective for alleviating menstrual discomfort and boosting circulation. Ginger’s soothing nature makes it a go-to for easing cramps and digestive upsets.

    • Nettle (Urtica dioica): Rich in iron, calcium, and other essential minerals, nettle is a blood-building herb that nourishes and supports the body during menstruation. It’s also an excellent tonic for replenishing energy, particularly after menstruation or during the postpartum phase.

    • Red Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus): Often called the “woman’s herb,” red raspberry leaf is well-known for its ability to tone the uterus, support hormonal balance, and ease menstrual discomfort. It’s particularly beneficial for preparing the uterus during the menstrual cycle and supporting reproductive health during postpartum.

  • How to Use:
    Stir before use. Take one teaspoon raw or mix into warm water, tea, or a smoothie for a nourishing boost. Try incorporating it at different times during your cycle for targeted support: daily for balance, or more intensively during menstruation to aid blood building and recovery.

Why Focus on Cycle Support?

The menstrual cycle is a dynamic process, with hormonal fluctuations impacting not only physical wellness but also mood, energy, and resilience. Incorporating cycle-supportive herbs like Ashwagandha, Nettle, and Raspberry Leaf can help bring stability and nourishment to the body, providing support through PMS, menstruation, and even the transitional seasons of perimenopause.

This blend can also be beneficial postpartum, especially for mothers seeking to rebuild energy and balance hormones after birth. The nourishing properties of these herbs gently support recovery and help replenish the body’s natural reserves.

From My Family to Yours

I’ve created these blends to honor the rhythms and changes in a woman’s body, whether you’re focused on monthly cycle support, postpartum recovery, or simply adding a delicious, herbal-infused moment of nourishment to your day.

For ongoing support, consider joining our subscription service to keep your electuary stocked and fresh! It’s one less thing to think about, so you can focus on the joy and wonder of your journey.


‘The Still Book’ AKA The Local Wild Blog