'Cold & Clear' - respiratory relief, fluid retention, fever management, seasonal allergies


Cold & Clear: Ingredients known for aiding in fever management, chest decongestion, fluid regulation, cold and cough relief, & alleviating seasonal allergy symptoms.

Ingredients: Raw Local Honey, Organic: Elderberry, Thyme, Sage, Mint, Hyssop, & Yarrow

Stir before use. Take one teaspoon raw or in a warm drink. 24 servings.

This product and statement have not been monitored by the FDA. This product is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent disease.

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Cold & Clear: Ingredients known for aiding in fever management, chest decongestion, fluid regulation, cold and cough relief, & alleviating seasonal allergy symptoms.

Ingredients: Raw Local Honey, Organic: Elderberry, Thyme, Sage, Mint, Hyssop, & Yarrow

Stir before use. Take one teaspoon raw or in a warm drink. 24 servings.

This product and statement have not been monitored by the FDA. This product is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent disease.

Cold & Clear: Ingredients known for aiding in fever management, chest decongestion, fluid regulation, cold and cough relief, & alleviating seasonal allergy symptoms.

Ingredients: Raw Local Honey, Organic: Elderberry, Thyme, Sage, Mint, Hyssop, & Yarrow

Stir before use. Take one teaspoon raw or in a warm drink. 24 servings.

This product and statement have not been monitored by the FDA. This product is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent disease.

What is an Electuary? (also known as Medicinal Honey)

An Electuary is a medicinal preparation made by mixing powdered herbs with honey. It’s an ancestral form of natural “medicine,” used since ancient times, it's ingested for its therapeutic effects, often to mask the bitter taste of herbs and make them more palatable. I’ve blended these to be a delight to take, and an easy way to get the power of herbs and raw honey into the body.